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responsible mining

Shaping the
future of mining responsibly

Leading the way in ethical and sustainable mining practices – Balancing progress, environmental stewardship, and community well-being for a responsible future.


What is Responsible Mining?

Responsible Mining refers to the ethical and sustainable extraction of minerals and metals while minimising negative impacts on the environment, communities, and workers. It emphasizes a balance between the economic benefits of mining and the ecological and social responsibilities it entails.

Footprint comparison water spray vs. Terrabind

Chart: Diesel consumption

Improvements on 3km stretch of haul road
over 3 months using Bind-X

Chart: Water usage

Improvements measured at a client on 3km haul road
over 3 months project duration with Bind-X dust suppressor.
Chart: Water usage

Chart: CO2 emissions

Improvements measured at a client on 3km haul road
over 3 months project duration with Bind-X dust suppressor.
Chart: Water usage

Dust control and road stabilisation as a major contributor to responsible mining can save C02, fuel, water and is clean for the soil and people working and living in the areas.

“Within the transition towards more responsible and net zero mining, we also see the respective supply chains as being responsible. Companies like Bind-X need to provide global mining companies with robust, scalable and cost-competitive innovations that are easy to integrate into existing operations and deliver an immediate, positive impact.”

Martin Spitznagel, Founder and Chairman of the Board, Bind-X

The concept incorporates principles of sustainability, accountability, and respect for human rights.

Environmental stewardship
  • Minimise land disturbance and restore ecosystems post-mining.
  • Implement sustainable water and energy management practices.
  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and manage waste responsibly.
  • Monitor biodiversity and mitigate habitat destruction.
Worker welfare
  • Ensure safe and healthy working conditions
  • Provide fair wages and adhere to labor rights
  • Prevent child labour, forced labor, and discrimination in the workplace.
Transparency and accountability
  • Adhere to international standards like the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI)
  • Report on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics
  • Avoid corruption and illegal mining practices
Social responsibility
  • Engage meaningfully with local communities and indigenous groups.
  • Ensure free, prior, and informed consent (FPIC) from affected communities.
  • Provide fair compensation and community development programs.
  • Protect the health, safety, and livelihoods of nearby populations.
Economic benefits
  • Support local economies by hiring and sourcing locally
  • Invest in infrastructure, education, and healthcare for mining regions
  • Ensure that profits contribute to long-term national and local development
Innovation and technology
  • Adopt technologies that reduce environmental impact and improve efficiency
  • Explore alternative mining techniques, like in-situ leaching, that are less invasive


Why Responsible Mining?

By adhering to these principles, mining operations aim to foster positive outcomes for people and the planet, ensuring the long-term viability of the industry while contributing to global sustainable development goals (SDGs).

Benefits of Responsible Mining
  • Environmental protection: Mitigates damage to ecosystems and biodiversity.
  • Community well-being: Enhances local quality of life through economic opportunities and development projects.
  • Workers safety: Promotes healthier, safer conditions for employees.
  • Corporate reputation: Builds trust with stakeholders and ensures a license to operate.
  • Sustainable development: Contributes to the long-term availability of resources without depleting them.
Challenges in Responsible Mining
  • High costs of adopting sustainable practices.
  • Balancing stakeholder interests (e.g., local communities vs. corporate goals).
  • Regulatory compliance in countries with varying standards.
  • Managing legacy issues from past irresponsible mining practices.

dust control. water conservation. emission reduction.

How Bind-X biological dust control technology contributes to these principles

Bind-X, through its innovative biotechnological dust control technology, can significantly contribute to responsible mining practices by addressing dust control with sustainability.

The business was started as our founder and Chairman of the board Martin Spitznagel saw that dust is a big issue in the mining industry, but there were only solutions on the market that either not performed or were bad for the environment causing additional issues for mining companies.

Efficient products save resources

Reducing Scope 1 emissions

  • Mining companies save an enormous amount of fuel for diesel-powered water trucks to run and thus produce less emissions when using biological dust control

  • With biological dust control, mining operations employ low-carbon footprint technology

  • Less wear and tear of equipment ensures operational efficiency, further cutting emissions.
Reduce water usage

Keep waterways and soil clean

  • Keep soil and ecosystems clean by eliminating chemical substances
  • eases the land reclamation and rehabilitation process and costs
  • Access to water is a basic human right and a fundamental requirement for healthy functioning ecosystems. Bind-X helps mines to achieve their water usage targets and save billions of litres of water and to keep waterways clean by eliminating toxic chemicals from operations

Compliance with regulations

Secure your license to operate 

  • Bind-X biological dust control enables mining operations to meet stringent air quality standards, ensuring compliance with environmental laws as it captures.
Protect workers from silicosis

Workers & Community well-being

  • The reduction in airborne particulates directly benefits miners and nearby communities, reducing risks for respiratory diseases and improving overall quality of life.

  • Crops and cattle are safe from being polluted through toxic airborne dust particles

Our biological dust control method is a sustainable practise that can be adopted at a low-cost level while improving efficiency. It prevents issues before they arise and saves mining companies costs in the long run. While most mining operations work on short term goals and also have a short view on operation costs, this approach enables cost savings in the long run.

It is unnecessary to rely on dust control solutions with a high environmental impact while striving for more responsible practices. In 2021, polymeric and petroleum-based emulsions accounted for approximately 70 per cent of the Australian dust suppressant market. That stands in contrast to the mining sector being under increasing pressure to reduce carbon emissions and enhance environmental performance,

Heinz Schwan

Co-CEO Bind-X

awards for responsible mining

Award winner in the Eramet responsible mining challenge

1st Place: 
Eramet Responsible Mining Challenge

About eramet
The Eramet Responsible Mining Challenge is an initiative co-funded by the European Union which rewards innovative technologies that bring industries closer to their net-zero goals.

Why eramet choose us
In January 2022, it was Bind-X that was rewarded as part of the “Responsible mining” edition of the Challenge. Bind-X offers an innovative product portfolio to control dust emissions on Eramet’s mining sites. By replacing water, what is currently being used, Bind-X can save several million liters of this precious resource per year. Other applications include tailings management, slurry stabilization and granulation.
 Bind-X wins the 2021 Open Innovation challenge – Eramet

Bind-X wins the 2021 Open Innovation challenge – Erame

Our partners

Take the first step to become a leader in responsible mining practices.

We answer your questions in a call and give you a free consulting session.

You get to know:

How you can prevent environmental problems before they happen.
If biological dust control and road stabilisation is suited for you.
How you can improve your sustainability metrics while also driving up performance. How to reduce costs and improve the quality of your haul roads.

Find out about biological dust control for your site