Get rock solid haul roads and use 90% less water.

We turn dust into stone
Terrabind works on your:
primary Haul roads
secondary roads
Use 90% less water.
Mines that use Terrabind consume 20x less water on their roads. Terrabind’s effects last longer than other dust control methods so it can be applied less frequently.
Stronger roads. No dust.
100% biodegradable
3X longer active than traditional methods.
Binds fine particulate matter
Terrabind effectively binds fine particulate matter, including PM2.5, which is known to have significant health impacts. This binding process helps keep dust out of the air and reduce the chances of mine workers breathing it in.
Improved air quality for surrounding communities.

Formulated to suit your mine, objectives, and climate
- solid roads for your mine
- no special equipment needed for application
- strong as bitumen
- non-toxic
As strong as bitumen, with none of the downsides
Usable with existing equipment
100 % biodegradable
Ideal for road construction of primary haul roads. Build-in application for best wet-stability results. Suitable for underground mining dust control as it creates a solid, non-slippery layer.
High abrasion resistance for dust-free roads
Usable with existing equipment
100% biodegradable
Ideal for road construction of primary haul and access roads. Build-in application for best results. Spray-on application for road maintenance. Develops wet stability when applied over the years.
Create long-lasting dust-free secondary haul roads. The real alternative for water, lignosulfonates and salts.
High abrasion resistance for dust-free roads
Usable with existing equipment
100% biodegradable
Through biocementation, it forms a smooth low-friction layer, reducing road and machinery maintenance, thereby saving time and resources. It performs exceptionally well in both spray-on and build-in applications with high abrasion resistance.
Outperforms polymers in terms of durability and costs
Usable with existing equipment
No clogging and damages on your equipment
Beneficial for plant growth
Terrabind TSF is a biological dust-control palliative used to secure the surface of tailings dams and stockpiles with biocementation.
Build durable, dust-free secondary haul roads
High abrasion resistance for dust-free roads
Usable with existing equipment
100% biodegradable
Through biocementation, it forms a smooth low-friction layer, reducing road and machinery maintenance, thereby saving time and resources. It performs exceptionally well in both spray-on and build-in applications with high abrasion resistance.
and is easy to store and handle.
Where you can use Terrabind
Biological dust control and road stabiliser designed for mining applications
- Controls dust on primary and secondary roads.
- Safer, cleaner, more productive roads.
- Forms a solid crust to reduce tailings dust.
- Natural and chemical free for easy mine rehabilitation.
- Sprayed onto stockpiles, it creates a firm crust.
- Biologicals won’t interfere with ore processing
- The solid layer created by Terrabind controls erosion
- Control erosion on stockpiles, tailings
- Keep dust off your solar panels
- Increase energy production and reduce maintenance
Rock solid roads,
faster cycle times
With Terrabind, you can access long-term production and environmental benefits and massively reduce water usage. It’s proven and trusted in more than 20 countries.
Terrabind creates a solid, smooth road surface layer for less dust and better road stability. It’s applied less frequently so you have less water trucks on the road, less maintenance and better cycle speeds.
Road before and after treatment with Terrabind.

Before Terrabind
After Terrabind
- Dusty, unstable roads
- Wasting of water
- Water trucks slowing down haul cycle
- Workers prone to fugitive dust
- Environmental pollution
- Corrosion and soiling of equipment
- Build up of renaturation costs
- Stable, longer lasting, dust-free roads
- Reduce water usage by 90%
- Fewer water trucks on your roads
- Healthier working conditions
- Environmental protection
- Prolonged equipment lifetime
- Prevent environmental issues from the start
Terrabind is the only proven way to get these results:
90% less water used
90% less diesel consumed
90% lower carbon emissions
66% less dust particles
10x fewer water truck trips

Manage tailings dust safely with no long-term environmental risk
Tailings storage facilities create ongoing risks to the environment and nearby communities. With Terrabind, you can safely control dust and improve tailings dam stability. It’s 100% natural so requires no additional cleanup when rehabilitating the site.
Most mines spray polymers on the tailings to bind the particles. Polymers create a layer of plastic that needs to be cleaned to rehabilitate the site and is extremely tough on equipment. Terrabind uses a natural biological process to bind dirt into a solid crust. It’s easier to store and apply while giving long-lasting dust control performance.
A cleaner, safer way
to control dust
Many mines still use bitumen emulsion on their roads, but crude-oil-based products come with many environmental downsides. Bind-X is a cleaner option that still achieves the same cementation results to stabilise roads and keep dust down. Biological dust control is a new way to control dust. It’s natural, biodegradable and non-toxic for people, animals, plants, and waterways.

Proven and trusted at other mines
Mine sites across 30 locations already saved billions of liters of water every year with our new approach to dust control.

“This iron ore mine was on the brink of closure because of water scarcity and dust fallout. After they switched to Terrabind, they reduced water truck runs by 30% and no longer have a dust issue.”
Take the first step to use 90% less water on dust control and make your roads solid.
You get to know:
Ways to improve upon your current dust control solutions.
If Terrabind can improve your operations.
How you can prevent environmental problems before they happen.
How to reduce costs and improve the quality of your haul roads.
Frequently asked questions
Our dust control product uses natural, biodegradable ingredients that already occur in nature. Terrabind doesn’t harm local ecosystems, groundwater, or soil health. Unlike traditional chemical dust suppressants, it’s designed to break down naturally without leaving harmful residues.
No, Terrabind is non-toxic and safe for plants, animals, and aquatic life. It’s designed to minimise environmental impact and has been rigorously tested to ensure it doesn’t harm surrounding ecosystems.
The duration depends on traffic levels, weather conditions, and road type, but generally, a single application can last all day without needing rewatering or reapplication. In high-traffic areas, re-application may be needed more frequently, but it typically provides long-lasting dust suppression. Also, the more often Terrabind is applied, the better the road quality will be.
The product is sprayed onto the road surface using standard haul road water trucks. No special equipment is needed, and it can be applied by the existing site maintenance team after brief training. For road construction, Terrabind is built into the soil which achieves even better resuts in terms of road stabilisation and dust control.